Side waste cardboard collection from home

cardboard collection

If your recycling bin is full you can put additional recycling next to your recycling collection provided it is presented in an appropriate manner.  The cardboard should be broken down and bundled next to your recycling collection. Other items that would usually be put in recycling bins can also be placed in plastic carrier bags for side waste collection. However, black sacks won’t be taken, only small see-through carrier bags.

Fly Tipping at Carrington Recreation Ground

Recently I wrote about Textile collections via our weekly refuse collection, however, another useful service I do not often see used in the Parish is side waste collection. During the run-up to Christmas, we are more likely to be collecting cardboard packaging & other recyclable waste as we give and receive gifts for our nearest dearest, and we all wish to recycle as much as we can.

If you often have too much recycling you can request a second recycling bin, there is no charge for this! You can do this by the GBC Customer Services Centre at or call them on 01483 505050.

What we can put in our recycling bins / sacks

Yes please No thanks
Paper and card General waste
Newspapers and magazines Black bags
Glass bottles and jars (all colours) Expanded polystyrene
Empty food and drink tins and cans Bubble wrap
Empty aerosol cans Light bulbs
Clean foil and foil trays Hard plastic, such as plastics toys or garden furniture
Plastic bottles, tubs, pots and trays Kitchen paper or tissues
Plastic carrier bags Crisp packets or sweet wrappers
Cartons for food and drink Plastic film (cling film)
Plastic and metal lids, caps and tops Nappies
Drinking glasses, crockery and Pyrex
Paint tins
Garden waste
Anything else not included on the ‘yes please list’

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