How to recycle small waste electronic equipment

Waste Electronic

Guildford Borough Council has made provision for residents to recycle waste electronic equipment without visiting a Community Recycling Centre (CRC). Please don’t bin your electrical items, recycle them.

Here is how:

Provided it fits in a standard carrier bag (not a black sack), Guildford Borough Council will collect  Waste Electronic and Electrical Equipment (WEEE) placed in a bag next to your recycling (green) or refuse (black) bin on your collection day. These items may seem worthless, but they are full of valuable materials. The community recycling centres collect these items before they are taken to a reprocessing plant and are broken down into small pieces for sorting. The raw materials are then sent to be made into something brand new in shipbuilding, galvanising railings and lampposts, in jewellery or musical instruments to give some examples.

Almost any waste electronic item will be collected except for TVs, computer monitors and microwaves which should be taken to community recycling centres. Bags should be placed next to your wheeled bin / sacks for collection at your designated collection point on collection day.

Example of what waste electronics can be collected

Yes please No thanks
Kettles Large electrical items
Toasters Televisions
Hair Dryers Microwaves
Straighteners White goods
Laptops Computer monitors
Game Consoles
Clocks, Alarms & Watches

To find out more about how electricals are recycled, please visit the Surrey Environment Partnership website

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