SCC Bridge Repair: Heathvale Bridge Road closure (2024)

Bridge Repair

Planned works:

Surrey County Council (SCC) Highways has issued advanced notice of the planned closure of Heathvale Bridge Road. The Bridge on the Heathvale Bridge Road will be closed from 30th September – 2nd October 2024.

Reason for closure

Surrey Highways has advertised that the works are required in order to undertake road resurfacing on the road bridge.

Contact SCC
0300 200 1003 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)
Contact Centre, Dakota, 11 de Havilland Drive, Weybridge Surrey, KT13 0YP

Have you seen a road sign left behind?

If a road sign has been left behind following any road works please report it to Surrey via the web link

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1 thought on “SCC Bridge Repair: Heathvale Bridge Road closure (2024)”

  1. Nigel Taylor

    If the four way traffic lights in the village are still in operation it’s a ridiculous decision to close Heathvale Bridge road . Surely our local representatives should be pushing for the resurfacing to be put back until the Vale road traffic is running as normal.

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