APC Launch Ash Residents Survey

Ash Neighboroughood Plan

Ash Parish Council (APC) has launched the Ash Residents Survey,  as part of an initial consultation with residents to enable the creation of the Ash Neighboroughood Plan (ANP).  The idea behind neighbourhood planning is that it enables communities to play a much stronger role in shaping the areas where they live and work and supporting new development proposals. Through a Neighbourhood Plan, communities can indicate where they want new homes, shops and offices to be built, and have their say on what new buildings should look like and what infrastructure could be provided.

To take part in the survey, visit https://arcg.is/98rnG, or attend a drop-in session at the Ash Centre on Thursday 10 October 2024. The survey clsoes on 18 October 2024.

Ash Parish Council Press Release 

Ash residents are asked for their views on the future of the Parish.

An early engagement event about the future of Ash will take place at the Ash Centre on Thursday 10 October 2024 in order to seek feedback to a recent scoping exercise for a Neighbourhood Plan for the Parish.

This event is a starting point for discussion about the future of Ash, and how it might develop over the next twenty years. The public engagement event is an open opportunity to have your say about how we shape the future of our community.

We need your answers to the following questions:

  • Do you consider where you live to be part of a town or a village?
  • How would you describe the area that you live in?
  • What three words would you use to identify Ash?
  • Where do you see the main centre of Ash as being?
  • Tell us what you think about how Ash has changed, and how it might change in the future?
  • What three changes do you think would make the biggest difference for Ash, and the Ash community, in the future?
  • What should the Neighbourhood Plan consider when thinking about housing in Ash?
  • How do you want Ash to look and feel in the future?

Please complete the form on the link https://arcg.is/98rnG to submit any comments to us, or post to:

Ash Parish Council, Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, Ash, Surrey, GU12 5DP

Deadline: 18 October 2024

If you prefer, you can also attend one of the Public Drop-In Sessions on Thursday 10 October 2024:

    • 10am – 12pm
    • 1pm – 3:30pm
    • 5pm – 8 pm

Councillors from the Neighbourhood Plan committee will also be available at these times to talk to residents and answer questions on the Neighbourhood Plan and survey.

Our future intention is to work in collaboration with the community and key stakeholders including Guildford Borough Council to progress the Neighbourhood Plan together for the benefit of the whole Parish.

Attending a drop-in session is a great way to learn more about the plan. You can even sign up to join one of the task groups, which research and collate evidence to help develop the policies in the Plan.


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