DIO public notice on Ash Ranges access

DIO public notice on Ash Ranges access

The Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), which is responsible for the UK Defence Training Estate, including Ash Ranges has published the following public notice. This is in response to an increase in prohibited access to the ranges when the gates are locked.

To find out when the range will be in use go to WWW.GOV.UK and search for ‘Range Firing times Southeast’.

Ash Ranges Technical Area Access map 2023

The Survey Map below describes the phased access completed during 2023. It was created by Ash Parish News, based on the letter written to the then MP Michael Gove MP (MSU/4/6/1/is) and subsequent updates following visits to Ash Ranges. This map is under constant review. If the map is incorrect, please leave your comment below. To see more information on the phased access visit ashparish.org/2023/08/04/ash-ranges-technical-area-access-in-2023

Ash Ranges 2023

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