Ash Museum: A lad in the village of Ash

A Lad in the village of Ash

Have you visited the Ash Museum? On Saturday 12th, 10 am – 4 pm, and Sunday 13th, 10 am – 3 pm August 2023, Ash Museum is hosting a free public event called “Village Memories” at the Ash Victoria Hall. The Museum will be displaying its extensive archives, which document the local History of Ash, Ash Vale, Ash Green, and Tongham. The museum holds pop-up events throughout the year, such as a display at the Village Fete and the Ash Library. The Museum also produces many interesting books, full of knowledge and local photos. The money raised from their sale is used to fund the upkeep of the Museum’s collection. These books will be available for sale at the Village Memories event, but you can also purchase them by contacting

A lad in the village of Ash, By Bob Bunyan

This popular illustrated booklet paints a picture of life in Ash before, during, and after World War Two. Bob’s grandfather, William Henry Bunyan, was killed in action at the Somme and is remembered at the Thiepval Memorial in France and at the Ash War Memorial. Bob’s father was a leading fireman in the Ash Auxiliary Fire Service. Bob lived most of his young life at 230 Shaw Field Road, attended Heathcote School, and was married at St Peter’s Church. His memories, which include rationing, transport, village shops, sport, and VE Day make fascinating reading. The price of this book is just £3.

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