Ash Parish Council (APC) has set aside £2000 to help towards the cost of operating a Winter Warm Room. Registered charities operating in Ash can now apply for grant funding of up to £250 per month. As an example, the Council explained that this funding may be used to pay energy bills or perhaps for refreshments. The funding has been made available until 31st March 2023, or until the fund runs out.
How to apply for the Warm Room Grant Funding
The application form is available on the APC website. Completed forms can then be sent to or delivered to:
Ash Parish Council, Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, Ash, Surrey, GU12 5DP
Direct link to form:
Volunteers for a Warm Room
APC is currently exploring the possibility of setting up a Warm Room on Wednesday or Thursday afternoons between 12 – 4 pm. Whilst it can provide the facility it needs the support of volunteers to welcome and operate the warm room. If you or your organisation are interested in volunteering or have other ideas/opportunities to discuss, please contact the council (01252 328287 / to find out more information.