At the request of residents:
At the Amenities, Finance and Administration Committee (AFA) on Monday 26 April, members considered the installation of a new street light at 15/17 Attfield Close off Robertson Way (Underwood Avenue). This follows a request from a resident who had contacted Cllr Nigel Manning, reporting difficulties in navigating the pavement at night.
The committee heard that there are only 3 lamp posts in Attfield close and there is a large gap in one area where there is more than double the length between lamp posts compared to other areas in the Parish. Upon reviewing the quotes, the committee agreed that the impacted residents should be consulted and provided there are no substantial objections, the request should be granted.
Ash Parish Council will now be writing to those impacted residents to hear their views.

The proposed lamppost would match the new LED specification as part of the wider roll-out of LED lighting throughout the Parish.
Contact Ash Parish Council
If you would like to contact the Ash Parish Council with any concerns or comments please contact:
Ash Parish Council
Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road, Ash, Surrey GU12 5DP
Telephone: 01252 328287
Fax: 01252 319338
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