Minuets Silence and beacon of remembrance Tuesday 23 March 2021

Guildford Cathedral


The Leader of Guildford Borough Council (GBC), Joss Bigmore, all Councillors and Managing Director James Whiteman has issued the following letter to all residents, which also asks residents, as able, to participate in observing a minute’s silence at 12noon and the ‘beacon of remembrance’ at 8pm by standing on our doorsteps shining a light into the sky on Tuesday 23 March 2021.

Ash Parish News has published a copy of the letter below.

Coronavirus (Covid-19) Thank You From Your Council

Next week marks one year since we were asked to stay home to stay safe as the Coronavirus (Covid-19) pandemic swept across the globe.

Since then, we have experienced three national lockdowns and other restrictions to our daily lives with many of us sadly having lost loved ones before their time. There have been new challenges and many may have had to ask for help for the first time.

We have proudly served our borough throughout the outbreak, maintaining essential services while providing new services such as our community helpline, thousands of extra food deliveries and financial support for businesses.

It has been a very tough year and as we now look to our recovery with the successful national vaccination programme and the government’s roadmap to recovery, we wanted to say another heartfelt thank you to you all for continuing to play your part in following the guidance to protect our NHS and vulnerable communities.

There is light at the end of the tunnel, and we can begin to look towards a brighter future.

There are many national initiatives taking place on Tuesday 23 March. We will join the country in observing a minute’s silence at 12noon and the ‘beacon of remembrance’ at 8pm by standing on our doorsteps shining a light into the sky.

We will have a special commemorative post on our Facebook page on Tuesday 23 March where you can leave a comment if you’d like to. Not everyone uses social media of course, so please do email us. We will collect these and add them to our Museum’s Covid Collection.

Please get in touch if you need help – we are here to support all of our residents and businesses. Please visit our website for information.

Please also visit the Healthy Surrey website for more information and resources on all the health and wellbeing services across the county including mental wellbeing and Covid-related support. You don’t need a referral for most of them, you can book an appointment yourself today.

We are still all in this together, and we will come through this together.

From the Leader of Guildford Borough Council, Joss Bigmore, all Councillors and Managing Director James Whiteman.


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