At the Council meeting held on 08 January 2024, Ash Parish Council (APC) agreed to a 1.9% council tax rise for 2024/25. As an example for a band D property, an increase of 1.9% means that the household will now pay £76.68 per year towards the APC precept, which is an additional £1.43 per year. This budget is set as soon as the precept has been calculated and issued to APC.
What is a precept?
The precept is a tax that Parish Councils charge their local electors/residents to meet their budget requirements. This is collected via the council tax bill, which includes tax for Surrey County Council (SCC), SCC Adult social care precept, Guildford Borough Council (GBC), Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey and the APC precept.
Break down of council tax 2024/25
For residents in Ash, the full breakdown of the council tax bill is as follows:
- Surrey County Council +3%
- Surrey County Council adult and social care precept + 2%
- Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey +4.2%
- Guildford Borough Council 3%
- Ash Parish Council +1.9%
For more information or any queries surrounding council tax, visit