Free play sessions return to Coronation Gardens from Tuesday 27 April

free play sessions returning to the borough

Guildford Borough Council has confirmed that Free play sessions will return to Coronation Gardens from Tuesday 27 April. Children under 12 can enjoy fun, free and exciting play sessions after-school. These are organsised by  “Playrangers” and all are welcome.

Director of Service Delivery, Ian Doyle said,

“Our Play Workers can’t wait to welcome back all of the children who have missed their play sessions. Due to the Coronavirus (Covid-19) outbreak and the government’s national lockdown rules our last play session was in November 2020. We are following government and Public Health England’s advice and will have safety measures in place including social distancing to keep children safe. Dates for our sessions have changed and will have a reduced capacity.”

“Play is vital for young people’s development, health and wellbeing. Our Playrangers sessions are a great way for children in the borough to have fun, express themselves and make friends.”

Where and when

The playrangers are running five fortnightly sessions until the school summer holidays at the following sites. Each two-hour session starts at 3.30pm:

If your child would like to attend, please make sure you complete the registration form and email it to

Please check the website before travelling to any of the Playrangers sessions:

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