New shelter installed at Ash Recreation Ground

New teen shelter installed

Ash Parish Council (APC) has installed a new shelter within the Ash Recreation Ground. A public consultation took place in the summer of 2022, which presented designs and the proposed location. The consultation was advertised on all notice boards throughout the Parish, APC Website, and on Social Media. Letters were given to all local schools to distribute among their student body explaining how to take part in the consultation.

Following this consultation, option D received the most positive feedback and consequently, it has now been installed. The image above, from the left, includes Cllr John Tonks (Chairman of AF&A), Cllr Nigel Manning (Chairman of APC). The picture shows where a bin will be placed following the receipt of the required fixing to secure it to the ground permanently. 

Message from the Chairman of the Amenities Finance and Administration Committee, Cllr John Tonks:

It is important to consider all members of our community and to provide them with an amenity they can enjoy. I am grateful to everyone who took part in our consultation and to the Ash & Ash Vale Community Street Team who engaged those young people who are most likely to use the shelter, which was reflected in the consultation. The Council considered all aspects of the location when planning this shelter and received feedback from all relevant bodies and organisations that might be impacted”.

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