Ash Street road crossing improvement

Ash Street road crossing improvement
Ash Street road crossing improvements have been announced by Surrey County Council (SCC) Cllr Matt Furniss (Cabinet Member for Transport, Infrastructure and Economy). This is in response to a petition to the council reporting safety concerns about the crossing situated by Ash Library. Plans will now be made to move and improve this crossing.

In a statement via social media, Cllr Furniss said;

“This month I am pleased to announce that a decision to confirm the schools in line to receive the safety upgrades will be taken. This means that Walsh Infants and Juniors on Ash Street will get a controlled crossing, potentially on a raised road table, remove layby and reposition bus stop. This scheme was developed following a petition and reports of near misses and a pedestrian casualty near to a substandard narrow pedestrian island. It is complicated by the need to remove a bus layby and relocate a bus stop.”
“This further highways investment is to reduce road casualties, tackle speeding and make walking, push scooting and cycling to school easier and safer. The increased investment includes £200,000 for safety schemes which reduce the number of road casualties, £1,000,000 per year for the next three years to install more substantial speed management schemes such as average speed cameras, and £1,000,000 per year for three years to improve road safety around schools.”

Location of improvements

The map below indicates the current location of the crossing opposite the Ash Library.

A323 Ash Street Redressing Map
Ash Street road crossing improvement announced following petition to improve the safety of the crossing island.
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