Bird works: Northbound A331 overnight road closure (NorthCamp)

Northcamp Exit

Planned Northbound A331 road closure (NorthCamp):

Surrey County Council (SCC) Highways has issued a notice of overnight road closures impacting northbound traffic at the NorthCamp exit. This is for “bird works” involving the inspection and or removal of guano. The Closures starts at 8 pm until 11:59 pm from Sunday 13th March until Monday 14 March 2022. Diversion routes will be in place during this time.

What is “Guano”

Guano (Spanish from Quechuawanu) is another word for accumulated droppings from birds. Guano contains high levels of acids and these can attack stone, metal and even concrete. If left untreated, when mixed with water they can become corrosive. Over time this can lead to structural problems and must be removed and or mitigated

Contact SCC
0300 200 1003 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)
Contact Centre, County Hall, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Have you seen a road sign been left behind?

If a road sign has been left behind following any road works please report it to Surrey via the web link

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