Ash Hill Road Closure
As part of the Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade, Ash Hill Road will be closed from its junction at the Shawfield Road/Vale Road/Wharf Road roundabout and its junction with the Fairview Road from 10:15 until 12:15 on Sunday 14th November 2021. Residents are asked to note that vehicle movement will not be allowed during the whole of the closure period. Access for emergency vehicles and pedestrians will be maintained at all times. The closure barriers will be manned, ask a member of staff if you have any questions.
Any further questions in advance of the event may be directed to Ash Parish Council.
Other closures
Ash Centre Car Park Fri 12th November 2021 from 9 pm
This car park is being closed in advance of the remembrance Sunday parade. Any cars left in the car park will be removed at owners’ risk and cost.
Coronation Gardens Sunday 14th November 2021
Car Park Closure will be closed for safety reasons, this car park entrance will be closed between 10:15 am and 12 midday, whilst Ash Hill Road is closed to traffic. No vehicle entry or EXIT will be allowed between these times.
Ash Parish Council
Ash Centre, Ash Hill Road
Ash, Surrey, GU12 5DP
Telephone: 01252 328287
Fax: 01252 319338
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