Road Repair: Lynchford Road A331 Flyover lane closure

Lynchford Road

Planned works East and West Bound A3011 Lynchford Road A331 interchange flyover:

Hampshire County Council (HCC) Highways has issued an advanced notice of lane closures on the Lynchford Road A331 interchange Flyover. These closures affect East and West Bound A3011 Lynchford Road. The works are scheduled to begin Thursday 9 September 2021 until Monday 13 September. The Lynchford Road A331 lane closures are required for carriageway patching in both directions. Road users are advised that delays are expected during this works period as traffic flows will be restricted.

To find out about existing and future road works in and around Ash Parish, please visit

Contact HCC

0300 555 1375 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)
The Castle
SO23 8UJ

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1 thought on “Road Repair: Lynchford Road A331 Flyover lane closure”

  1. Dave Spreadborough

    Why did they not continue the road past St Omer & make the new junction there , send it on?off the A325

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