Road Improvement: Overnight & Weekend A331 to A31 slip road closure 2021


Planned works A331 to A31 slip road closure:

Surrey County Council (SCC) Highways has issued an advanced notice of overnight road closures. These closures affect the A331 to A31 slip road (towards Guildford/Eastbound). The works begin Friday 3 September 2021 until Friday 24 September 2021. The closures are required to continue building a new lane from the A331 to pass the roundabout towards Guildford. The closures are also scheduled to take place through the weekends. All work schemes are subject to favourable weather and may sometimes be delayed.

Diversions routes are signposted to take road users towards the Shepherd and Flock Roundabout in Farnham where the A31 can be rejoined towards Guildford.

Why are overnight closures needed?

A331 to A31 slip road closures are required as part of the traffic ‘hotspots’ scheme, where improvements had been identified as required. In 2018 Guildford Borough Council identified three key junctions as traffic ‘hotspots’ where peak time queues cause significant delays. The Guildford Hotspots project aims to reduce traffic congestion at these ‘hotspots’. One of these junctions was the A331 roundabout. The works will include new signal crossings and improvements so the cyclists and pedestrians using the Christmas Pie cycle route can easily and safely cross the slip road, which is currently difficult to cross. The proposals will also include resurfacing and new Anti-skid material on the approaches to the signal crossings, the lighting will be upgraded, and the drainage improved, the drainage improvements will use SUDS (sustainable urban drainage systems), capturing the stormwater from the road, slowing and treating this flow to lessen the impact of storms on the drainage system. The SUDS proposals also include a Pond / Wetland area which will improve water quality and improve biodiversity. 

Night Works

Working overnight is necessary on traffic-sensitive roads to reduce disruption during peak times. It also enables longer uninterrupted working before the closure must be lifted for daytime traffic, and results in a shorter period of disruption. SCC confirms that there will be some noise, but they will try to carry out the bulk of the noisiest work before midnight.

Contact SCC
0300 200 1003 (Monday to Friday, 9 am to 5 pm)
Contact Centre, County Hall, Penrhyn Road, Kingston upon Thames, Surrey KT1 2DN

Have you seen a road sign left behind?

If a road sign has been left behind following any road works please report it to Surrey via the web link

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