David Brown (Chairman of the Victoria Hall Committee) is hosting an online charity quiz for Ash Citizens Advice in order to help fund the great services it provides. The event will be hosted on Friday 26 March 2021 live via Facebook event and is free to enter. There is a suggested donation of £5 per adult, however the organisers have said “Don’t feel obliged to donate if lockdown has been hard, just join in and have fun. But if you feel able to, go to https://www.justgiving.com/ashcab and click the donate button to make a donation.”. Register your interest or say your going by visiting the public Facebook page.
How is Ash Citizens Advice funded?
Citizens Advice Ash is an independent local charity, and it depends on local funding mainly from Guildford Borough Council and private donations. This enables the highly trained volunteer force, who give their free time to help local people. To donate today go to https://www.justgiving.com/ashcab