As we enter 2021 we take a look back at the stories of 2020 that made Ash Parish News.
- Work was completed by Surrey County Council to extend the double yellow lines in Ash Church Road, outside Ash Grange School and Ash Cemetery to tackle problems with congestion.
- To improve Resident’s safety and to continue with the “Green Agenda” of upgrading the 625 Parish residential street lights, Ash Parish Council (APC) approved funding to install 100 LED Lanterns.
- Ash Parish Council (APC) organised and hosted the Friary Brass Band Charity Concert at the Ash Centre. Over £1275.00 was raised for Surrey Search & Rescue. Thanks, must go to the Blackwater Valley Rotary Club for kindly sponsoring the event.
Friary Brass Band charity concert for Surrey Search & Rescue
- At the request of local residents and funded by Councillor Marsha Moseley out of her Surrey County Council Member’s Highway fund, bollards were installed on the green verge at the junction of Winchester Road and Grange Farm Road (off Shawfield Road) to prevent the growing anti-social parking which was making the verge muddy and unsightly for local residents.
- Following a request for help from the Facebook Coronavirus Volunteer Response group, the Chairman of the APC, Cllr Nigel Manning successfully negotiated with Rev. Neil Lambert of St. Mary’s Church to obtain a secure place for the group to store food and medical supplies.
- APC funded and printed 500 information and contact leaflets, (with the offer to do more) for the Facebook Coronavirus Volunteer Response Group to distribute throughout the Parish.
- APC Councillors and staff offered to support the efforts of Guildford Borough Council in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, (collecting prescriptions and delivering food parcels) and by telephoning vulnerable residents to offer support and help.
- During the first COVID-19 Lock Down, APC approved and gave funding of £5000 under S137 LGA 1972, to St. Mary’s Ash Vale Parish Church, to help them purchase essential food and medical supplies to help residents who were vulnerable or shielding.
- APC held its first meeting online following the temporary grant of new emergency powers under the COVID-19 legislation.
- Surrey Wildlife Trust (SWT) announce that cattle will be returning to Ash Ranges.

- The MOD has announced that the Ash Range complex will undergo lockdown.
- APC launched the “Rainbows over Ash” virtual art competition in support of the NHS. Thanks to everyone who took part and congratulations again to all the winners.
- APC approved match funding of up to £5000 under S137 LGA 1972 to enable the Ash Green Residents Association to pursue a Judicial Review against Guildford Borough Council in relation to an approved planning application (18/P/02456) on land at Ash Manor.
- Local residents report a large plume of smoke as a large barn catches fire in neighbouring Tongham.
- Bill Cole (now Ash Parish Councillor) and his wife Jenny, continued to support their local community during the COVID-19 pandemic by making 2800 re-usable face masks. Due to the generosity of residents donations, the sum reached over a staggering £3000. This was an example of the community coming together with a team of residents including former councillor Pat Scott.
- APC, undeterred by COVID-19 held a “Virtual” Ash in Bloom Competition. Residents were encouraged to send in photographs of their prized specimens and voting took place online.
- Local resident Mr Dan McHugh continues his work to campaign for the much-needed station improvements for step free access to Ash Vale Station. To register your support please click on
- Residents asked to judge the 2020 Ash in Bloom competition online. Voting is now closed, but the photos remain online to appreciate.
- Ash United FC thank Ash Community for the money raised via the sale of facemasks made by Bill & Jenny Cole and unveil their new tracksuits with logo.
New logo on Ash United FC tracksuits for the next two seasons
- As part of the APC Green Agenda and to reduce the carbon footprint of the Parish, the council approved additional funding to install a further 200 low energy LED street light lanterns.
- APC begin negotiations with a new internet provider called TOOB, which advertises 900Mbps Fibre-to-the-Home. The Parish could be among of the first areas in the UK to receive this new internet service outside of Portsmouth.
- New councillor is Co-Opted to join the Parish Council.
- As the Canal pathways are more widely used, the Basingstoke Canal Authority continue maintaining them for the benefit of all through the pandemic
- New APC playground train playground equipment was set on fire.
- Ash Parish Council agreed to formally transfer £20,000 to ear-marked reserves to support any future programme to provide step-free access to Ash Vale Railway Station.
- APC have continued to work with Guildford Borough Council (GBC) and its Joint Enforcement Team (JET) to take action. By October, with evidence from APC’s CCTV cameras, the Joint Enforcement Team has issued 6 fixed penalty notices, all of which have been paid.
- APC’s councillors continue to care for the village and report any issues that arise, such as the vandalism of a bus stop which has now been repaired.
- Residents make Remembrance Day Window Displays.
Remembrance Sunday poppy in window display by local resident
- Residents find new ways to buy poppies on behalf of the Royal British Legion.
- Unable to hold the traditional annual Remembrance Sunday Service and Parade, the Parish still remembered “Our Fallen”, those who made the ultimate sacrifice for Queen and Country, by holding a COVID-19 Safe Remembrance Sunday Service at the War Memorial in Ash Hill Road, watch the video online.
- The Judicial Review, by Ash Green Residents’ Association, and financially supported by APC, against Guildford Borough Council, in relation to an approved planning application (18/P/02456) on land at Ash Manor, was successful and the planning permission was quashed.
- Christmas was not cancelled!! Despite all the current Government restrictions, the Christmas tree arrived and the Christmas light motifs, supplied by Ash Parish Council, were also hung throughout the Parish.
- Father Christmas took time out of his busy schedule and arrived in Ash to turn on the Christmas tree lights.
- APC approved the funding to replace the obsolete chain link fencing around the storage compound in Carrington Recreation Ground. Also, new fencing is to be erected around the Northern boundary of the Shawfield Road allotments in order to protect the allotment tenants.
- Safety upgrade to all Ash Parish Council Play areas at Ash Recreation Ground, Shawfield Recreation Ground, Harper’s Road Recreation Ground, Carrington Road Recreation Ground and Blackwater Close.
Harpers Recreation Ground: New Impact Absorbing Safety Surfaces - Local residents support for The Lion Brewery Pub following armed robbery.
- 1st Ash Vale Scouts have submitted plans as part of the £100m Your Fund Surrey project and are asking for your support
- Local residents protest against the closure of Ash Ranges firing complex.
- Local historian Sally Jenkinson has released a new book entitled “Bygone Ash and Ash Vale“.
- Residents welcome the return of the Rotary Christmas float.
- Libraries continue to offer services to Ash Parish during COVID-19 restrictions.
- Following the First COVID-19 lockdown, APC Public toilets were re-opened and remained open through the tier restrictions.
Ash Centre public toilet - Enhanced Train play equipment to be reinstated at Ash Recreation Ground by APC.