Stories of 2020 that made Ash Parish News

Stories of 2020 that made Ash Parish News

As we enter 2021 we take a look back at the stories of 2020 that made Ash Parish News.


  • Work was completed by Surrey County Council to extend the double yellow lines in Ash Church Road, outside Ash Grange School and Ash Cemetery to tackle problems with congestion.
  • To improve Resident’s safety and to continue with the “Green Agenda” of upgrading the 625 Parish residential street lights, Ash Parish Council (APC) approved funding to install 100 LED Lanterns.

    New “green” LED lanterns



  • Following a request for help from the Facebook Coronavirus Volunteer Response group, the Chairman of the APC, Cllr Nigel Manning successfully negotiated with Rev. Neil Lambert of St. Mary’s Church to obtain a secure place for the group to store food and medical supplies.
  • APC funded and printed 500 information and contact leaflets, (with the offer to do more) for the Facebook Coronavirus Volunteer Response Group to distribute throughout the Parish.a4 paper
  • APC Councillors and staff offered to support the efforts of Guildford Borough Council in their response to the COVID-19 pandemic, (collecting prescriptions and delivering food parcels) and by telephoning vulnerable residents to offer support and help.


Livestock return to Ash Ranges



  • Bill Cole (now Ash Parish Councillor) and his wife Jenny, continued to support their local community during the COVID-19 pandemic by making 2800 re-usable face masks. Due to the generosity of residents donations, the sum reached over a staggering £3000. This was an example of the community coming together with a team of residents including former councillor Pat Scott.
    Mask2,800 face masks made by Bill & Jenny Cole


  • APC, undeterred by COVID-19 held a “Virtual” Ash in Bloom Competition. Residents were encouraged to send in photographs of their prized specimens and voting took place online.

    Ash “Virtually” in Bloom competition launched






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